Project Perfection: How Pre-Press Services Can Help You

Have you ever found yourself in need of help when designing a project that needs to be printed? From event posters to company memos, business projects can definitely be a challenging experience. Luckily, many shipping outlets offer pre-press services, perfect for putting together your project or just adding a few finishing touches. Here are just a few ways the pre-press process is a great solution for your next big project.

Graphic Design

A graphic designer can help you decide on the placement and layout of your project. Considering what graphic elements you'd like included such as patterns, framing, and images, the graphic designer can help determine what would look most aesthetically pleasing to your clients. The inclusion of text in an image, for example, can often get lost in the surrounding color scheme. Your graphic designer will guarantee that the text needed to convey a message will stand out in the finished image. The design process will also look and factors such as shading, which color palette would work best, and font styles and sizes. 

Proofreading Services

Regardless of how careful you are in the initial process of designing your project, mistakes can be made here and there. Don't fret, as this is very common and is exactly why utilizing pre-press services is a smart choice. Proofreading services will ensure that your document is free of grammatical and spelling errors, saving you from the embarrassing event that your project is printed with a typo! With a proofreader service, the overall flow of the project itself will be considered to guarantee that nothing looks or sounds awkward. The proofreading process also entails ensuring that text is set within the correct bounds of the overall graphic image. 

Prototypes to Consider

When it comes to your final product, you'll want to make sure you know you know what your documents will look like before they are printed. Pre-press services often include a prototype that will allow you to see a physical rendition of what your project will ultimately look like. This is a great way to gauge how much you like your current design and how appealing the document will look from a purely visual perspective. Does it catch your eye? Is the lettering bold enough? These are just a few examples of the questions you can ask yourself when viewing the prototype to decide if you'd like to make any changes before the final printing.

To learn more, contact a pre-press service in your area such as Lincage Imaging Systems.
